Wednesday, August 31, 2011

"Duck, duck, duck....BLOG!"

After visiting a host of blogs, read up on blogs, and did some exploration on blogs, I have to say, I feel kind of...."bloggish".

There is so much out there and so many things to consider when starting a blog. For me, I feel the purpose of my blog is to draw in as much, if not more, creative energy from fellow artisans. I have learned that the best way to keep my personal drive and creative juices flowing is to read up on a variety of creative techniques.

Unfortunately, my mind tends to work faster than my hands. Therefore, I have a ton of new and exciting creative ideas that I would love to find (or even buy) time for. If anything, to start, I will use this to document ideas that I've read about, things that come to mind just from an ordinary day stroll, and funny enough, the things I think of 2:00 am. With new ideas come a host of new questions. I encourage those who stumble across this blog to read through and offer up their experiences and knowledge to make everyone's creative adventures as brilliant as the minds that thought them up!

Lexie Lou

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